New Year New Ewes

New Year New Ewes

McClure Licking River Farms bought 10 new Ewes last year and added to our flock. We now have 17 breeding Ewes. Our Ram's name is Frank he has been out with the ladies since the first part of November. Frank has blue eyes and so we named him Frank after blue eyes. 

We are so happy to support the breed of St Croix hair sheep. They are easy to manage, and you do not have to sheer them. I always consider my sheep the hardest working animal on the farm. We give them very little hay maybe once or twice a week I might toss them a bale if they do not have enough pasture. Even as with this picture here a little snow on the ground they will usually still graze. 

St Croix Hair Sheep

We cannot wait until this springtime for lambing season. Many St Croix Sheep will have twins. If you are looking for an easy to manage, high-yield livestock to raise on limited acreage, you should seriously consider St. Croix hair sheep. They also complement cattle very well. We use intensive rotational grazing and usually run our sheep three days behind or cattle. We also have occasionally run both the cattle and sheep together. 

We have two Anatolia Shepherd dogs that protect the sheep from predators like Coyotes. They live with and stay with the sheep year around and are especially helpful during spring lambing season.   

As an organic farm McClure Licking River Farm Spring Ewes will be certified organic. For an animal to be organic it must be born on a farm that the pastures are certified organic. Many of our breeding stock we purchased from other non-organic farms so they are not and never will be considered organic. If you are considering purchasing some Ewes this spring keep us in mind, we will post what is available for sale on this website. Along with some pictures of the spring lambs. 

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